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    For customers

    Market Hall

    Market Hall has a floor area of 6300m2. Inside there are 250 trade stalls.
    The Hall is fitted with:

    • modern system of fire precautions,
    • air conditioning and heating,
    • sanitary unit,
    • food and beverage facilities.

    Market Place

    The area of the market is divided into 14 rows and each row – into sectors. Thanks to such arrangement, there are about 3000 trade stalls, including box stalls and an air-conditioned market hall.

    Car Parks

    500 parking places are situated in close proximity of the hall. Additional 3000 places are located around the market area.

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    Centrum czynne w poniedziałki i piątki w godzinach 5.00-11.00. We wtorki, środy, czwartki, soboty i niedziele - nieczynne