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    MEDAX GŁUCHÓW Shopping Centre is where wholesale trade in clothes and accessories has been carried on since 1994. Merchants offer chiefly clothes of Polish and foreign manufacturers, yet their trade offer includes also shoes, cosmetics, jewellery, underwear, etc.

    Since its beginnings, GŁUCHÓW Shopping Centre has attracted importers, manufacturers and merchants from Poland and other countries. As time went by, a number of trade stalls and a range of goods on offer increased. The area of the market is divided into 14 rowsand each row – into sectors. Thanks to such arrangement, there are about 3000 trade stalls, including box stalls and an air-conditioned market hall.

    Recreational space within the premises of the Centre houses bars serving delicious meals as well as hot and cold drinks. Small tables are perfect for resting and conducting business talks.

    Parking lots has been arranged specially for our customers’ comfort: 500 places are situated in close proximity of the hall, 3000 places – around the market area.

    Centrum czynne w poniedziałki i piątki w godzinach 5.00-11.00. We wtorki, środy, czwartki, soboty i niedziele - nieczynne